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.container { width:100% }

Local Search

Utility Functions

The module extractVariables implements the function $\texttt{extractVars}(e)$ that takes a Python expression $e$ as its argument and returns the set of all variables and function names occurring in $e$.

In [ ]:
import extractVariables as ev

The function collect_variables(expr) takes a string expr that can be interpreted as a Python expression as input and collects all variables occurring in expr. It takes care to eliminate the function symbols from the names returned by extract_variables.

In [ ]:
def collect_variables(expr):
    return frozenset(var for var in ev.extractVars(expr)
                         if  var not in dir(__builtins__)

The function arb(S) takes a set S as input and returns an arbitrary element from this set.

In [ ]:
def arb(S):
    for x in S:
        return x

We need the function choice from the module random. Given a list L, random.choice(L) returns a random element from L. In order to have reproducible results, we set the seed for the random number generator.

In [ ]:
import random

Given a dictionary A, the function extend(A) returns a dictionary B such that B[key] = value and B[x] = A[x] for all x that are different from key.

In [ ]:
def extend(A, key, value):
    B = A.copy()
    B[key] = value
    return B

The module Set implements sets as AVL trees. The API provided by Set offers the following functions and methods:

  • Set() creates an empty set.
  • S.isEmpty() checks whether the set Sis empty.
  • S.member(x) checks whether x is an element of the set S.
  • S.insert(x) inserts x into the set S. This does not return a new set but rather modifies the set S.
  • S.delete(x) deletes x from the set S. This does not return a new set but rather modifies the set S.
  • S.pop() returns the smallest element of the set S. Furthermore, this element is removed from S.
  • S.pop_last() returns the biggest element of the set S. Furthermore, this element is removed from S.
  • S.first() returns the smallest element of the set S.
  • S.last() returns the biggest element of the set S.

Since sets are implemented as ordered binary trees, the elements of a set need to be comparable, i.e. if x and y are inserted into a set, then the expression x < y must return a Boolean value and < has to define a linear order.

The module Set can be used to implement a priority queue that supports the removal of elements.

In [ ]:
import Set

The function cast_to_set(L) returns a set containing all elements from the iterable L.

In [ ]:
def cast_to_Set(L):
    Result = Set.Set()
    for x in L:
    return Result

The procedure solve(P) takes a constraint satisfaction problem P as input. Here P is a triple of the form $$ \mathcal{P} = \langle \mathtt{Variables}, \mathtt{Values}, \mathtt{Constraints} \rangle $$ where

  • $\mathtt{Variables}$ is a set of strings which serve as variables,
  • $\mathtt{Values}$ is a set of values that can be assigned to the variables in the set $\mathtt{Variables}$.
  • $\mathtt{Constraints}$ is a set of formulas from first order logic.
    Each of these formulas is called a constraint of $\mathcal{P}$.

The CSP P is solved using local search.

In [ ]:
def solve(P):
    Variables, Values, Constraints = P
    Variables = list(Variables)  # convert to list for random.choice(Variables) to work 
    Values    = list(Values)   
    Annotated = { (f, collect_variables(f)) for f in Constraints }
    Assign    = { x: random.choice(Values) for x in Variables }
    iteration = 0
    lastVar   = arb(Variables)
    while True:
        Conflicts = [ (numConflicts(x, Assign, Annotated), x) for x in Variables
                                                              if  x != lastVar
        maxNum, _ = Set.last(cast_to_Set(Conflicts))
        if maxNum == 0 and numConflicts(lastVar, Assign, Annotated) == 0:      
            print(f'Number of iterations: {iteration}')
            return Assign
        if iteration % 10 == 0:    # avoid infinite loop
            x = random.choice(Variables)
        else:     # choose var with max number of conflicts
            FaultyVars = [ var for (num, var) in Conflicts if  num == maxNum ]
            x = random.choice(FaultyVars)
        Conflicts = [ (numConflicts(x, extend(Assign, x, val), Annotated), val) 
                      for val in Values 
        if iteration % 10 == 0:       # avoid infinite loop
            newVal = random.choice(Values) 
            minNum, _  = Set.first(cast_to_Set(Conflicts))
            ValuesForX = [ val for (n, val) in Conflicts if n == minNum ]
            newVal     = random.choice(ValuesForX)
        Assign[x] = newVal
        lastVar = x
        iteration += 1

The function numConflicts takes three arguments:

  • x is a variable,
  • Assign is a dictionary mapping variables to values,
  • Annotated is a set of pairs of the form (f, V) where f is a constraint and V is the set of variables occurring in f.

The function returns the number of constraints f such that x occurs in f but f is not satisfied.

In [ ]:
def numConflicts(x, Assign, Annotated):
    NewAssign = Assign.copy()
    return len([ (f, V) for (f, V) in Annotated 
                        if  x in V and not eval(f, NewAssign) 

Solving the Eight-Queens-Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run N-Queens-Problem-CSP.ipynb

In [ ]:
P = create_csp(8)

Local search takes about 22 milliseconds on my desktop to solve the eight queens puzzle.

In [ ]:
Solution = solve(P)
print(f'Solution = {Solution}')

In [ ]:

The 50 queens problem can be solved in 5 seconds.

In [ ]:
P = create_csp(50)

In [ ]:
Solution = solve(P)

Solving the Zebra Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run Zebra.ipynb

In [ ]:
zebra = zebra_csp()

In [ ]:
Solution = solve(zebra)

Solving the Zebra Puzzle takes about 7 seconds.

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Solving a Sudoku Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run Sudoku.ipynb

In [ ]:
csp = sudoku_csp(Sudoku)

Solving the given Sudoku puzzle takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds.

In [ ]:
Solution = solve(csp)

In [ ]:

Solving a Crypto-Arithmetic Puzzle

In [ ]:
%run Crypto-Arithmetic.ipynb

In [ ]:
csp = crypto_csp()

Solving the crypto-arithmetic puzzle took about 7 seconds.

In [ ]:
Solution = solve(csp)

In [ ]:

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